I Simposio sobre ejercicio físico, enfermedad renal y trasplante de órganos y médula

I Simposio sobre ejercicio físico, enfermedad renal y trasplante de órganos y médulaNext April 28th, coinciding with the National Sports and Health Championships that will take place in the city of Avila, the 1st Symposium on Physical Exercise, Kidney Disease and Organ and Marrow Transplant will be held in the San Francisco Auditorium.

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8.30 Reception and accreditations
9.00 Presentation
9.15 Table Training from different perspectives
  • Dr. Paco Marcos (SACyL): Stress tests for amateur athletes.
  • D. Pablo Sanz (CENyS): Training as a learning process.
  • D. Dario Bengoechea (UNIKME): Genetics applied to our everyday life. Genetics and physical activity.
  • Dña. Ana Martín Jiménez: (UCAV): Musculoskeletal lesions in transplant patients.
  • D. Álvaro Merino (3´59): Leading in positive.
10.45 Coffee break
11.15 Nutrition and Disease Table
  • D. Pablo Zumaquero (CENyS): Eating better, controlling the disease.
  • Dña. Ana Balseiro (FRIAT): Nefrodiet: a APP to help ERs feed themselves better.
12.00 Table Physical exercise from the institutional point of view
  • D. Jesús Molinuevo (COCEMFE): Physical exercise, sport and organic disability.
  • Dr. José Antonio Herruzo (ASYTER Clinics): Implantation of an intraday physical exercise program.
  • Dña. Erika Guijarro (HEPA Association): Key physical activity for the emotional well-being of transplanted children.
13.00 Table Physical and mental exercise
  • D. Eduardo Lurueña: Awaken your interest through your mind.
  • D. Diego Moya (Entrenar.me): Physical training for liver transplant patients.
  • Dr. Alberto García Bataller (iAltitude): Intermittent hypoxia. One more help in transplants.
14.00 Lunch
16.00 Testimonial of transplanted sportsmen and women with CKD
16.20 Table Physical exercise in children with chronical disease
  • Dña. Alba Santos (NUPA Association): Multidisciplinary work in children and adults with bowel transplants.
  • D. Javi Morales (UEM): Can children with cancer exercise?
17.00 Table Physical Exercise in CKD
  • Dra. Rosa Sánchez (Villalba General Hospital): Nutritional Benefits of Exercise in CKD.
  • D. Julio Bogeat (ALCER Federation): The importance of attitude in the ERC.
  • Dr. Miguel Ángel García (NefroLinares): ERC and sport, both sides of the same mountain.
18.00 Break
18.20 Table Sports efficiency and multidisciplinary work
  • D. Alfonso Fernández (Nespral Clinic): Digestive problems and their influence on back pain.
  • Dra. Raquel Blasco (CEREMEDE): Refill drinks in sports practice.
  • Dra. Eva Segura Ortí (CEU Cardenal Herrera University): Current challenges in exercise and haemodialysis.
  • Dr. Iván Chulvi (Benestar): Electro-stimulation: for what, why,
    when and how.
  • Dr. Manuel Gorostidi (HUCA): Physical exercise: primary cardiorenal prevention.
20.30 Presentation of the National Sports and Health Championships
21.00 Closing Ceremony

Attendance will be certified to all those who request it.



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